How did so many turn a blind eye to atrocities in their backyard?
What does the Holocaust mean anyway?
Are antisemitism and other forms of xenophobia the same root cause?
How does prejudice and discrimination lead to genocide?
“Reading about the sites is not enough. The black and white photos are not enough. Going to the sites and seeing everything in person is really impactful and meaningful”
Erica Harper, ASAP alum, US Military Academy
IN THE TOWN NEXT TO AUSCHWITZ: transforming anti-hatred education into waves of action
AJCF offers unique immersive, world-class programs led by international leaders, highlighting the lessons of the Holocaust to underscore what hatred can lead to if stoked and encouraged.
More than a half million minds and hearts forever changed since 2000 through
education and remembrance.
Supported by:
Since 2000
People walked through AJCF
Adults attended anti-hate programs
Students attended anti-hate workshops
Future leaders educated
School teachers educated
Law enforcement officers trained to fight against hate
featured in:
our programs
We educate US Military cadets and midshipmen, the Icelandic police force, schoolchildren from Austria and Poland, Polish Teacher's unions, Norwegian High Schoolers, the German Diplomatic Corps, and tourists worldwide. Everyone who visits the Center learns, in the most horrific and personal way, how we all need to say “Never Again.”
The Auschwitz Jewish Center Foundation (AJCF) is an anti-hatred organization using education to create change in a world where hate is on the rise. Our mission is to preserve the rich Jewish life of Oświęcim before 98% of its Jewish population was obliterated by hate and confront all modern hatred head-on through our world-class educational programs.
The opposite of hate isn’t love. THE Opposite of hate is education and the understanding that comes from it.
Located next to the Auschwitz Birkenau Concentration Camps— the site of the worst hate crime in human history — AJCF preserves the history and rich life of the Jewish community that was located in Oświęcim through the Great Synagogue Memorial Park, and the restored Oświęcim Jewish Cemetery.
Asap (American Service Academies Program) A Program for Future American Military Leaders
The Chevra Lomdei Mishnayot Synagogue - The Sole Surviving Jewish House of Prayer in Oświęcim
Our Campus Warmly Welcomes Thousands of Visitors a Year