B’nai Mitzvah Program

Educators, families, and students can add another layer of significance to one of the most important days in a Jewish child’s life. The AJCF B’nai Mitzvah Program invites Bar and Bat Mitzvah students to share their simcha with a child from Oświęcim (the town the Germans called Auschwitz) who perished in the Holocaust or who was unable to commemorate this milestone because of the war. Bar or Bat Mitzvah students will receive curriculum kits with background information about a child and his or her life before the war, as well as questions and activities designed to help students to reflect on Jewish life, the Holocaust, and the milestone they are reaching in their own lives.

For more information, contact AJC@mjhnyc.org.

Support Auschwitz Jewish Center Foundation in its mission to preserve Jewish memory and use the lessons from the Holocaust to fight hatred for everyone.